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Setup Elastic Search & Kibana

Elastic Search and Kibana will be automatically launched with npm run dev and will be running on localhost ports 9200 & 5601 respectively. This will automatically set up and run Redis/MariaDB docker containers, and Ethereal Engine client/server/instance-server instances.

When loading the engine's website for the first time you'll have to tell your browser to ignore insecure connections.

  1. Open the Developer Tools of your browser by clicking the side menu with three dots, then go to More tools > Developer tools (or use either Ctrl+Shift+I or F12) and then go to the Console tab.
  2. You will see some errors in URL addresses starting with wss
    • Replace wss with https and open that URL in a new tab
    • Accept the certificate
    • Reload your Ethereal Engine's tab
  3. You will see some errors in URL addresses starting with https://localhost:9000
    • Open the URL linked in one of those errors
    • Accept the certificate
    • Reload your Ethereal Engine's tab

You need to do this for the following domains:

If the engine's website keeps displaying loading routes progress for a long time, it means that you have to allow the engine's certificates.

Web browsers will throw warnings when navigating to pages with unknown certificates (aka: insecure pages). You should be able to tell the browser to ignore these warnings by opening your browser's advanced options, but during development it is easier to just ignore the browser's warnings and accept the default certificates.

Note: You will be able to create signed certificates to replace the default ones when you deploy your own Ethereal Engine stack.