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Installing on Windows 10+

  1. Install Python 3 and add python installation directory path to PATH env variable.
  2. Install Node.js 18
  3. Install Visual Studio Community Edition with build tools.

    Note: If mediasoup is not installed properly then modify Visual studio setup to add c++ and Node.js support.

  4. Add the path to MSbuild.exe (which stored in Visual Studio's folder) into the PATH env variable
    eg: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin
  5. Make sure to install all windows prerequisites for Mediasoup as mentioned on:
  6. Install all dependencies using npm install from the root folder where you cloned Ethereal Engine.


  1. If the error persists: Check for typos in your environment variables.
  1. (Optional): you can use docker-compose to start the scripts/docker-compose.yml file, or install MariaDB and copy the credentials (database name, username, password) from docker-compose or .env.local. You will need to create an empty database with the matching name. Note: ./ only needs to be run once. If the docker image has stopped, start it again with:
    docker container start etherealengine_db
  1. Check your WSL config for any incorrect networking settings.