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Installing on Windows with WSL2

This guide has been tested on Windows 10 (22H2) and Windows 11.

Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

Remember to run Powershell in Administrator mode either by right clicking and selecting Run as administrator or by typing PowerShell in Run dialog box of Windows and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination.

Install Ubuntu distribution of Linux with one of these options:

Once WSL is installed, make sure to:

Install Docker Desktop

Install docker desktop with the WSL 2 backend. You can find the instructions here.

Make sure to enable your WSL distribution once docker desktop is installed and running.
You can do so from Docker Desktop App by visiting Settings > Resources > WSL Integration. Enable integration with Ubuntu, and make sure to hit Apply & Restart.

Docker Desktop WSL Distro

Install Node

If Node is not already installed on your machine (check with node --version), you can do so by first installing nvm and then installing Node with nvm.

Make sure that the commands in this section are run inside Ubuntu WSL.
To ensure that this is the case, there are two options:

  1. Launch WSL manually:
    1. Run Powershell in Administrator mode and run Ubuntu using the command: wsl.
    2. After logging in to Ubuntu, run the command: cd ~/
  2. Open your application menu and search for Ubuntu Terminal

To install nvm, run the following commands in your WSL Ubuntu terminal:

curl | bash
source ~/.profile

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion

Verify that nvm was installed correctly by using the command: nvm --version.
Afterwards, install Node (version between 16.0 and 18.0 both inclusive) with:

nvm install 18

You can verify your Node version with the command: node --version.

Install Python 3

If Python 3 (pip3 --version) is not already installed on your device, you can do so by running following commands from your Ubuntu terminal:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip

You can verify that Python3 is installed correctly with the command: python3 --version.

Install Make

If Make (make --version) is not already installed on your device, you can do so by running following commands from your Ubuntu terminal:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential

You can verify that Make is installed correctly with the command: make --version

Clone Ethereal Engine repo to your local machine

Clone Ethereal Engine repo on your machine by running the following command from your WSL Ubuntu terminal:

git clone --depth 1

Adding --depth=1 will significantly reduce the amount of data downloaded when cloning, but it will also create a Shallow Copy of the engine's repository.
If you need to download any branch other than dev, or go back in git history into an older commit, you will have to unshallow the repository first, or else any branches and older commits won't be accessible. The command to undo cloning with --depth=N is either git fetch --unshallow or git pull --unshallow

Change directory to the location where etherealengine repository is cloned with:

pwd                 # Prints the current working directory
cd etherealengine # Change directory to `etherealengine`

If an .env.local file does not exist in the root of your Ethereal Engine repository folder, then create it by duplicating the .env.local.default file:

cp .env.local.default .env.local

Afterwards, install npm packages with:

npm install

Note: If you find issues related to mediasoup when running npm install, then:

  • Remove the mediasoup package from packages/instanceserver/package.json file of Ethereal Engine's source code.
  • Run npm install again.
  • Run: npm install mediasoup@3 -w @etherealengine/instanceserver

Initialize MariaDB server

You will need to initialize the engine's database with tables and data if you are running the engine for the first time. You can do so with:

npm run dev-reinit

Start the Engine

Run the Ethereal Engine's stack with:

npm run dev

If everything went well, you will now be able to open Ethereal Engine in your browser by navigating to this link.

Accept Certificates

When loading the engine's website for the first time you'll have to tell your browser to ignore insecure connections.

  1. Open the Developer Tools of your browser by clicking the side menu with three dots, then go to More tools > Developer tools (or use either Ctrl+Shift+I or F12) and then go to the Console tab.
  2. You will see some errors in URL addresses starting with wss
    • Replace wss with https and open that URL in a new tab
    • Accept the certificate
    • Reload your Ethereal Engine's tab
  3. You will see some errors in URL addresses starting with https://localhost:9000
    • Open the URL linked in one of those errors
    • Accept the certificate
    • Reload your Ethereal Engine's tab

You need to do this for the following domains:

If the engine's website keeps displaying loading routes progress for a long time, it means that you have to allow the engine's certificates.

Web browsers will throw warnings when navigating to pages with unknown certificates (aka: insecure pages). You should be able to tell the browser to ignore these warnings by opening your browser's advanced options, but during development it is easier to just ignore the browser's warnings and accept the default certificates.

Note: You will be able to create signed certificates to replace the default ones when you deploy your own Ethereal Engine stack.