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Installing on macOS


This guide details the installation process for the iR Engine on macOS devices.


Ensure you have the following tools installed on your system before starting the installation:

Installation instructions

Follow these steps to set up the iR Engine on your macOS device.

Step 1: Prepare your project

First, generate a copy of the project by cloning the repository and navigate to the project directory:

  1. Open your terminal

  2. Clone the repository by running:

    git clone
  3. Navigate to the directory of the cloned repository:

    cd etherealengine

Step 2: Set up environment variables

The iR Engine requires specific environment settings. Configure them by running:

cp .env.local.default .env.local

This command creates a copy of the default environment file, .env.local.default, renaming it to .env.local for use by the application.

The iR Engine functions with a specific Node.js version, outlined in the .nvmrc file. To activate the recommended version, run:

nvm use

Command output options:

  • If the version is found (✅): The system switches to the recommended Node.js version.
  • If the version is not found (❌): The system returns a message indicating the missing version.
    To resolve, run the following commands:
    1. Install the missing version:

      nvm install <version>
    2. Activate the version:

      nvm use

Step 4: Install dependencies

Install the required dependencies by running:

npm install

Upon completion, proceed to initialize and run your development environment.

Run your development environment

This section contains the instructions to run your local development environment.

Step 1: Start Docker and initialize the database

  1. Open Docker Desktop

  2. Initialize the database by running:

    npm run dev-reinit

Step 2: Start the development environment

Launch the iR Engine development environment with:

npm run dev

This command opens the application at http://localhost:3000/location/default in your web browser.

Step 3: Open your development environment

Navigate to the application's URL in your browser to start working with the iR Engine development environment.